Eclectic Energies


Send a message to Ewald Berkers, the author of this website.
— Please check out the Frequently asked questions below —


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

These are some questions that I get asked repeatedly. Please check out if your question is among them.

About Chakras

What chakras should I work on?
Please read the articles about working on your chakras, and opening your chakras.
None of my chakras are under-active, according to the chakra test. What options do I have?
Meditation is always a good idea, as said in the text about working on your chakras. Also, the other things discussed on Eclectic Energies have an effect on the chakras. You might give these a try.
What are the cut off percentages for over-active, under-active, and open chakras on the chakra test?
The percentages go from -100% to +100%.
The limits where chakras are considered open, under-active or over-active vary with the average of the scores for all 7 chakras. When that average is higher, the values where the chakras are considered to be open are higher too. This is to reflect that balance is also of importance.
Roughly, they're under-active at beneath around 0%, and become designated over-active when over about +70%.
Can I have your chakra test on my website?
Sorry, no.
Please note that the Chakra Test software that is sold in the Eclectic Energies Shop can only be installed on Windows PC's. It doesn't work on websites.
Where can I find the Questionnaire PDF of the Chakra Test software?
It's in the Windows Start menu, under ProgramsEclectic Energies Chakra Test.
This is also where you can find the "About the Chakras" PDF.
How can I get a PDF from the test results of the Chakra Test software?
You can print the results to a PDF.
In Windows 10 or 11 you can easily do that by selecting the printer "Microsoft Print to PDF".
In older versions of Windows, you'll need to install a PDF printer to do this. You could use the Print to PDF feature of Adobe Acrobat. A free option is CutePDF Writer, but you'll need to pay attention when installing, as you'll also need to install GPL Ghostscript for it to work (note that CutePDF may try to install other software that you might not like).
Can you help me finding a chakra healer?
No. I'm in the Netherlands, so I probably aren't even aware of practitioners in your country.

About the Enneagram

I didn't save my Enneagram Test results, can you send them to me?
No, the test results are not stored, so that's not possible.
If you clicked the PDF button, the PDF could be in the Downloads folder of your device. An email could have ended up in your spam folder. There may have been a spelling error in the email address, or the mailbox may have been full.
How can I get a PDF from the test results of the Enneagram Test software?
You can print the results to a PDF.
In Windows 10 or 11 you can easily do that by selecting the printer "Microsoft Print to PDF".
In older versions of Windows, you'll need to install a PDF printer to do this. You could use the Print to PDF feature of Adobe Acrobat. A free option is CutePDF Writer, but you'll need to pay attention when installing, as you'll also need to install GPL Ghostscript for it to work (note that CutePDF may try to install other software that you might not like).
Can I have your Enneagram test on my website?
Only if you can handle API access, and with some restrictions. Please ask.
Please note that the Enneagram Test software that is sold in the Eclectic Energies Shop can only be installed on Windows PC's. It doesn't work on websites.

About Acupressure

Can you help me with a physical ailment?
No, I only have some expertise with psychological and spiritual issues.
I recommend consulting an acupuncturist in your neighborhood, or a doctor.
You could also check out the acupressure books section, as there are some books listed that are also about physical ailments.
Can you help me finding an acupuncturist?
No. I'm in the Netherlands, so I probably aren't even aware of practitioners in your country.

About the I Ching

Sometimes there is a resulting hexagram displayed in a consultation, and other times there isn't. Why is that?
As listed in the introduction to the I Ching, when there is a single changing line, a resulting hexagram will not be displayed. This is because it is the author's view that a resulting hexagram will not add anything. All needed information is already in the line text.
If you do want to see the resulting hexagram anyway in that case, you might consider getting the Online I Ching Journal. In the Options, you can set it to display the resulting hexagram in all cases, and have the Image texts too.
I can't log into my I Ching Journal account. What's going on?
You can check on the PayPal website whether the payment subscription for your account is still valid.
If your account hasn't ended, you can get a new password emailed to you on the Forgot password? page.
Will you make Yarrow Stalk probabilities available for consulting?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Many seem to believe, that the different statistical probabilities from the Yarrow Stalk method as it is known today, are somehow more accurate than those from the 3-coin method, as on this website. It is supposed, that in Ancient China these different probabilities from the Yarrow Stalk method were prefered, but that convenience made the 3-coin method more popular. However, evidence for this view actually is lacking.
Fortunately, someone did some research, to see what the probabilities were on average, in known consultations from ancient times. You can find it on Clarity's I Ching forum: "Questioning Yarrow Probabilities."
What Bradford Hatcher found there, was that these probabilities actually do not match the Yarrow Stalks method more, but the 3-coin method (the one on this website). So, it seems that the idea that the Yarrow Stalks method, the way it is known today, is what was used in the ancient past, is actually a myth.
It is however possible, that a different Yarrow Stalks method was used in ancient times, one with probabilities that are the same as the 3-coin method.
Then, I find it strange that nature would have a preference for either yin or yang, so that a method with asymmetrical probabilities would be more accurate.
Therefore, I have decided against putting a consulting page with the Yarrow Stalks probabilities on my website. If, however, you do want to use the Yarrow Stalks method with my I Ching text, you can do that by using your own Yarrow Stalks, and enter the hexagrams here.


Can I link to your website?
Yes (no fee required).
Can I copy an article or graphic from Eclectic Energies?
Please check out the copyright terms of use. (Keep in mind that everything on this website is copyrighted.)
In general, please just link to the webpage that you want to show to others.
I'm expecting an email from Eclectic Energies, but I don't seem to receive it. What's going on?
Legitimate emails sometimes get into your Junk Mail / Spam folder. Eclectic Energies doesn't spam (no commercial offers, no newsletters), but its emails nevertheless sometimes end up there. Check that folder, and if there is a button "Mark as Not Spam", please use it.
Are you interested in exchanging links with my website?
No. Google demotes sites that do that, actually.
Are you on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram?
No. Anyone on Facebook, Twitter/X, or Instagram claiming to be affiliated with Eclectic Energies is a fake.
Are you interested in buying a domain name?
No. Never.
Do you want to sell your website?
Are you interested in buying something?
No, please don't bother.