Eclectic Energies

I Ching Consultation

Your consultation resulted in the following hexagram:

changing to
36   49

36. Wounded Brightness

Line 4:

Being penetrated in the left of the belly.
Getting wounded brightness of his heart,
by leaving through the gate of the courtyard.

Being hurt and demoralized, one leaves the situation.
(It is an arrow that has penetrated in the left of the belly.)

Line 5:

Viscount of Ji's hidden brightness.
It is beneficial to persist.

Tactfully feigning ignorance, in order to avoid being hurt by someone. It is a good idea to continue to do that.
(The viscount of Ji feigned madness, in order to escape the abuses of a king.)

Hexagram is changing to:

49. Change

When the day is over, there will be confidence.
A foundation for progress.
It is beneficial to persist.
Aversion goes away.

There is a change. It takes some time to adjust, but then it'll be clear that things have changed for the better. Just hold on. Initial aversion to it will go away.

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