Eclectic Energies

I Ching Consultation

Your consultation resulted in the following hexagram:

changing to
13   63

13. People Together

Line 4:

Taking advantage of one's city wall,
they will not be able to attack.
Good fortune.

Protecting oneself against the other with a barrier, so that the other cannot reach one. This goes well.

Line 6:

People together outside the city,
without aversion.

Being with people while in a wide space. Dislike is not a problem, as there's quite some distance between each other.

Hexagram is changing to:

63. Already Across

Already across.
Little benefit in persisting.
At first good fortune,
eventually disorder.

The situation is ready, so there is no need for putting yet more energy into it. Things are still progressing. Initially things go well. But there isn't a goal to work to any more, so one will become a bit scattered if no new goal is taken up.

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