Eclectic Energies

I Ching Consultation

Your consultation resulted in the following hexagram:

changing to
12   44

12. Obstruction

Line 2:

Supporting surroundings.
Ordinary people have good fortune,
senior people are obstructed.

The surroundings support one. This provides stability, which is good if one doesn't have ideas to realize, like with ordinary people having a long time job. But they also limit one's space, and thus obstruct expansion. It is frustrating if one is a developed person, and is thus unable to realize one's ideas. There is progress anyway.

Line 3:

Inciting surroundings.

The surroundings incite one to action.

Hexagram is changing to:

44. Providing

The woman is strong.
No use to marry the woman.

For the provision of something one is dependent on someone in a strong position. One cannot win this person over to one's own side.

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by Ewald Berkers

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