Eclectic Energies

I Ching Consultation

Your consultation resulted in the following hexagram:

changing to
60   40

60. Limitation

Line 1:

Not going out of the door to the yard.
Without fault.

Limiting oneself to what is familiar, not taking risks. It is not wrong to do so.

Line 4:

At peace with limitations.

Being at peace with limitations. They are enabling progress.

Line 5:

Sweet limitation.
Good fortune.
Going has value.

Limitations that are accepted and pleasant. Things will go well. Operating within these limitations brings value.

Hexagram is changing to:

40. Release

Beneficial is the southwest.
Without a situation to go to,
coming back brings good fortune.
If one does need to go somewhere,
doing it early in the morning brings good fortune.

It is good to let go of what one was doing, and return to the normal situation. It is beneficial to have partners and allies. If something still needs to happen, it is wise to do that on a short term.
(At the original place and time of the Yijing, allies were in the southwest.)

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