Eclectic Energies

Acupressure Points for Enneagram type 2

Acupressure points for emotional well-being, recommended for Enneagram type 2.


location of P-7
move counter­clock­wise
(click for video)
Name: Much Abuse (Pericardium 7)
Location: On the middle of the palm-side of the wrist, in the depression between the two tendons, on or just below the crease of the wrist.
Use: Reduce, so move your finger in counterclockwise direction over this point.
Warning: Don't use when weak or low on energy.
Effects: Heals effects on the body of too much joy or emotion.
Also diminishes nervousness.


location of ST-36location of ST-36 Name: Leg's Three Quarter Miles (Stomach 36)
Location: On the front of the leg, one hand width (four fingers) below the kneecap, on the outside, in the depression between the shinbone and the leg muscle. What can go wrong is that you may be locating it somewhat too low on the leg. The point is immediately one hand breadth below the kneecap, so if you'd use something thick, like a finger, you might get half a finger breadth to low. It's at the outside of the bone that's on the front of the lower leg, one finger breadth from the crest of that bone.
Use: Press. A fingernail or thumbnail is particularly suited for this point, as you will be able to press more closely to the bone and on a broad range.
Warning: Using this point to go beyond your limits (e.g. overwork) will damage your health even further.
Effects: Increases stamina and energy. Provides stability and grounding. Heals effects on the body of too much worrying and thinking.

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